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What VA Pension Benefits are Available to Florida Seniors in 2020?

On Behalf of | Feb 13, 2020 | Firm News |

Did you know a person who has served in the United States Armed Forces may be entitled to receive compensation from the Veterans Administration for service-connected disabilities that occurred or were aggravated during a period of military service?  A veteran may also be entitled to receive a non-service connected pension. In addition, a veteran may be entitled to receive health care services from the Veterans Health Administration, which is a branch of the Veterans’ Administration. To receive any of these services, however, the veteran must not have been dishonorably discharged.

Veterans’ compensation is based on an impairment of earning capability that is related to a service-connected disability. It is important to remember that the disability does not have to be related to combat. The 2020 Veterans’ Administration compensation rate for a veteran who is not married with a 10 percent disability rating is $142.29 per month. The Veterans Administration compensation rate for a veteran who is not married with a 100 percent disability rating is $3,106.04 per month for 2020. A veteran may be eligible for an increased or a special monthly compensation that may be greater than these amounts if the veteran is in need of the aid and attendance of another to care for him or her.

A non-service connected pension is available each month to a permanent and totally disabled veteran and his or her spouse or dependent when the veteran is:

  • 65 years or older,
  • Honorably discharged after at least 90 days of active duty with one day being during a wartime, and
  • Experiencing financial need.

This benefit is also available to the surviving spouse of a deceased wartime veteran.

There are three types of monthly non-service connected pensions that are paid by the Veterans Administration to offset the cost of necessary health care. They are called Low Income Pension, Housebound Benefits, and Aid and Attendance benefits. There are financial need requirements that your attorney may be able to discuss with you in your meeting. Should you qualify for assistance, the Maximum Monthly Annual Pension Rate (the Income Limit) for 2020 is:

Service Pension $1,146

Housebound $1,400.41

Aid and Attendance $1,911.58

Further, the pension benefit is reduced to $90 a month if the veteran is in a skilled nursing home and being provided Florida Medicaid services.

We know this article may raise more questions than it answers. We encourage you not to wait to get the information that you need. The veterans pension can be an elder care tool that helps eligible veterans and their dependents pay for much-needed long-term care now, and in the future. Do not wait to contact our office to schedule a meeting with our attorney to discuss this issue today.